Friday, June 28, 2019

5 Advantages of Live Chat on Website

Live chat is preferred by 42% of clients compared to email (23%) or social media (16%) among all other client communication channels.

This number is as high as 63% for millennials (I wonder who are those 37% of millennials who wouldn't choose live chat?).

However, it is not surprising considering that live chat demonstrates the greatest amount of customer satisfaction, sales growth and retention. Overall, customers are happier when they have the chance to receive real-time answers to their issues.

Here are five primary advantages of live chat in short:

1. Live chat has 73 percent of the largest customer satisfaction rate. Other channels are not even near, such as emails or phone calls.

2. Live chat gives better knowledge to the client. This satisfaction level should not come as a surprise as only 2 minutes! is an average response time in live chat. Compare the reaction time for emails to 17 hours.

3. Compared to websites without one, live chat can boost conversions by up to 20 percent. This amount may sometimes be as big as 40%, according to other sources.

4. It's cheaper to live chat. The average price per touch for live chat is $5, while it can achieve $12 for the call center. Also, imagine scaling customer support from the call center. Your live chat officer can assist as many as 6 clients concurrently while a phone operator is speaking to 1 customer.

5. Live chat demonstrates incredible number of customer retention. 63% If they had a live chat discussion, they will return to a website. Moreover, 40 percent of clients said that if they had a live chat discussion they would be more likely to buy from the same website as often as once a week.

1 comment:

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